Dr. Ahmed Shawky

Consultant of Ear, Nose and Throat




30 minutes


650 EGP

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About doctor

Consultant and Professor of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery at Kasr Al-Aini Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University. Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor specializing in hearing and balance disorders, Adult Ear, Nose and Throat, Adult Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat, Adult Audiology and Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery


استشاري واستاذ جراحة الأنف و الأذن و الحنجرة بكلية الطب قصر العيني - جامعة القاهرةدكتور انف واذن وحنجرة متخصص في اضطراب السمع والتوازن، انف واذن وحنجرة بالغين، جراحة انف واذن وحنجرة بالغين، انف واذن وحنجرة اطفال، سمعيات بالغين و جراحة انف واذن وحنجرة اطفال

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Dr. Ahmed Shawky is affiliated with As-Salam International Maadi Hospital
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0 visitor have reviewed Dr. Ahmed Shawky The overall rating for this doctor is (5) They have a 5 rating for Medical service and 5 for Waiting Area And ( 5 ) for Assistant . You can read individual reviews and ratings on their profile.here